Informazioni Paula_ Last seen 4 hours ago
I am a nice, pretty, charming latin, colombian girl, im very sociable and friendly. I like to be sexy and to meet new people, make friends from all over the world, i hope i can find a person to spend time in the best way =). I love having good conversations, a nice moment, a good friend, a perfect confident, i am sociable, charismatic, nice, friendly, honest, delivered, cute.
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18 hours ago
Mujer hermosísima y muy amable. Me vuelven loco esos labios preciosos que tiene ♥️
1 month ago
no microphone - this was not on the profile page!
1 month ago
She is amazing, always so attentive and generous. We always have the best times. xxx
2 months ago
She’s the best, tell her what you want and you won’t be disappointed!
2 months ago
She only stay in pyjama